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Before and After

I found the following pieces on Craigslist, thrift stores and Offerup except for the green chair. I enjoy learning from others and I would have never been able to complete my projects without the following websites below.

The green chair belongs to my son and it needed to be updated. I purchased Walmart fabric (under $5 a yard - only needed 6 yards) and created a chair cover. I thought the chair needed new legs so I purchased some from HomeDepot. Unfortunately, I took the final picture before staining legs on the chair.

When buying furniture pieces keep in mind that chalk paint can be used on just about any surface. So if you feel intimidated start with a small table or chair.

  1. Purchase a sample 8 oz. jar of paint

  2. Mineral spirits to clean your piece

  3. Good paint brush

Check out this webpage on cleaning furniture/cabinets:

As far as the rest of the pieces, I cleaned them with mineral spirits, created my own chalk paint, waxed and lightly sanded them down. The following webpages are the ones I used to create my own paint, update the piano bench and slipcover.

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